5 Ways To Lose Weight Without Exercise

By Sheila Bell

The amount of overweight people in our society is rapidly increasing. The majority of overweight people want to lose weight but find it difficult to drastically alter their eating habits and stick to a regular exercise plan.

So is it possible for those who struggle with sticking to a weight loss plan to lose weight without exercise?

Listed below are 5 suggestions for losing weight without exercise.

Kick The Soda Habit

Because soda is a drink and not a food, we tend to overlook the fact that it contains a lot of calories which contain no nutritional benefit. If you have a 2 soda a day habit, that is the equivalent of 102,200 calories or approximately 30 lbs in a year.

Eliminating soda from your diet can be instrumental in helping you lose some of the unwanted pounds.

Choose Healthy Low Calorie Snacks

When you find yourself getting hungry between meals, reach for something healthy like a piece of fruit instead of cakes and cookies.

Fruit is a healthy alternative to junk food that can satisfy your craving for sweets just as effectively.

Portion Control

Cutting back on the amount of food you are eating and monitoring the number of calories you are consuming is essential for weight loss.

To make this work, eat only the recommended portion sizes for each meal. If this is to drastic initially, just cut the normal amount you would eat in half.

If you implement this one thing on a regular basis you will begin to lose weight.

Drink Water

Water is a vital for the body to eliminate harmful toxins and wastes.

If you drink a glass of water before each meal, it will cause you to eat less because the water fills your stomach making you less hungry. Using water as a replacement for high calorie soft drinks is simple yet effective way to reduce your weight.

Your target should be 8 or more glasses per day.

Use The Stairs Instead Of The Elevator

When you have the opportunity to choose between the elevator and the stairs, opt for the stairs. Utilizing the stairs may not seem to be much help with losing but in actuality it helps your body burn more calories.

Taking the stairs on a regular basis can help improve your health and help you lose some weight.

Losing weight doesnt have to be hard but it does require dedication and commitment. Making simple lifestyle changes like the ones mentioned above can help you lose weight without exercise.

Even though you dont have to exercise to lose weight it is highly recommended that you do.

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