9 + 5 Effective Ways to Lose Belly Fat Fast

Effective Ways to Lose Belly Fat Fast

When is the exact time you will lose those belly fat? Do you give up losing it? If you do, undo it! Arnav Shankar, health instructor in Health Me Up will give you few tips how to lose belly fat fast, forever! Here are the tips.
  1. Do fitness and exercise three times a week. It will raise your metabolism and help you to burn more calories, even when you are resting.
  2. Stop doing 500 times sit ups, instead, do basic sport often, like using a windmill, Turkish sit up, and others.
  3. Have a high intensity sport 2-3 times a week. It doesn't have to take long time, 10-20 minutes is enough if you do it right.
  4. Try to be more active on your daily activities. Even if you already had 1 hour gym time every day, you still have plenty of time to be used to stay active. For example, playing with kids, do some activities with your friends, etc.
  5. Sleep for six to eight hours every night. Believe it or not, lack of sleep triggers a hormone that makes your fat gathers together and makes it harder for you to lose weight.
  6. Reduce stress. You can try to meditate or other techniques to make you calm. Stress triggers kortisol hormone that will add your weight and aging.
  7. Consume more protein, fiber and healthy fat. It means you have to eat non fat meat, vegetables, and nuts more often.
  8. Reduce fast food, sweet foods and processed sugar. Those foods are your belly’s biggest enemy. Those foods also increase the risk for disease like diabetes, blood pressure, and others.
  9. Drink more mineral water, at least two liters a day. If you have dehydration, fat cannot be burned efficiently.
Besides above tips from Arnav Shankar, Livestrong also shows a few more tips and tricks to lose your belly fat. It’s actually easy to be done, but you need personal motive and strong will to do it right and regularly to receive your result, an ideal weight and flat belly.

Here are some additional tips for you:
  1. Have a balance diet. Programming your diet and set your eating habit. Try to lessen your rice, bread, or other carbohydrate meal. Replace it with wheat bread or wheat pasta.
  2. Take a lot of walk. Physical activity known to be good to reduce your belly fat, it’s including walking. Walking is the cheapest and easiest aerobic sport you can do.
  3. Love a hula hoop. You can do exercise with hula hoop; it is known to burn 100 calories in 10 minutes. It is equal to 7 km/hour walking.
  4. Do circuit training. This method is combination of cardiovascular and weight lifting. It is the most effective way to reduce belly fat. Do it for 45-60 seconds, take a break for 30 seconds and do it over and over again.
  5. Push up. Push up can add testosterone in your body and increase your muscle power. A study shows that low testosterone level can accumulate visceral fat and leads to belly fat. That’s why you have to add push up for your regular exercise.

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