Super Remedies For How To Remove Warts

By John Raven

Many people have questions about how to remove warts. While they are not considered dangerous, they can be annoying. This is especially true if they are in a spot where they are noticeable. For that reason people want them gone. Fortunately, there are many options for their removal. This allows one suffering from the appearance of a wart to pick and choose the option that is right for them.

Your doctor can remove a wart quickly in his or her office. They often do this by freezing it off. Liquid Nitrogen will be sprayed on the wart. Your skin will blister and within a week it should be healed and back to normal. You and your doctor may also decide to surgically remove it. This will most often leave a scar.

Mix up a paste of baking soda and water. Apply this paste to the area. Let it dry and then wash it off. Do this a few times a day until the wart is gone. If you are out of baking soda substitute an aspirin. Dissolve it in water and apply it in the same manner.

Everyone knows that Duct tape is quite useful. This is another case where Duct tape can come to the rescue. Cover the wart with a piece of duct tape. Leave it in place for one week. After a week take it off, clean the surface with warm water. You may even want to use a pumice and run it gently over the area. Put another piece of Duct tape over it. Continue in this manner until it is gone.

If you have an aloe Vera plant at home you are in luck. It has been shown to successfully remove these problem spots. Cut open a leaf and apply the gel directly to the area. Rub it in. Repeat this procedure several times throughout the day. You should begin to it getting smaller and finally disappearing.

People also wonder about items already found in the kitchen that can be used. These people are in luck, there are plenty of items around the kitchen to help. Crushed garlic or a banana peel can be held in place with a band-aid or piece of tape. Make a paste of baking soda and water, apply it and leave it until it dries, then wash it off. Repeat this several times each day.

Make a paste with baking soda and water. Apply the paste to the wart. Let it dry. Repeat this daily for several weeks until it disappears.

Having answers to these common questions about how to remove warts is very useful. They enable anyone who is suffering from these to take action. Try any of these to get rid of these bothersome skin conditions. Be sure to give whichever one that you try enough time to work. None of these will work overnight. They take some time to do the job. Even doctor remedies will not be overnight.

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