Diiet And Weight Loss

To achieve your weight loss goal, your healthy diet regimen must be accompanied by exercise.  The fitness exercises need not be strenuous and you can start by doing simple routines for 30 minutes each day. Over-straining yourself under the “no pain, no gain” dictum can do you more harm than good to your health.

Instead, you can build up to the ideal 30 minutes if you have been living a sedentary lifestyle. Before going on any weight loss diets, it will be a good idea for you to find out what your ideal body weight should be – given your age and height – regardless of the height and weight tables formulated by insurance companies.  Like many things in life, there is no “one size fits all formula” that is applicable to everybody. People are built differently and the amount of excess weight each one can carry will be determined to a large extent by our body shape. One way of finding out what your ideal weight should be is by determining your Body Mass

Index (BMI).

The BMI approach enables you to identify what percentage of your body tissues are made up of fat, thus, giving you a rough idea of what your ideal weight should be. This method also provides a more or less broader range of what is considered normal from the health point of view. The following formula computes for your BMI:

Your BMI is the ratio of your height to your weight and is calculated as follows: BMI = your weight in kg divided by the square of your height in metres.  For example if your weight is 63.5 kg and your height is 1.68m (5ft 6in), your BMI is 63.5 – 1.68 x 1.68 = 22.5

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